“A Glimpse into our Primary School”

Feb 28, 2023

It has been a super positive time at Diyafah as we continue to move forward and celebrate student success. 

We have been in lessons, spotting excellent work and attitudes and rewarding these students with house points. All classes visited have had a productive learning environment and what has been really overt to me is how caring and supportive many students are of each other.

We all know the importance of reading and the students are enjoying reading on ‘Bug Club’. Reading improves our brain connectivity, increase our vocabulary and comprehension skills and supports achievement, it is also great for our mental health.

Wow days, year group trips and year group assemblies with parents have been delightful to watch and be part of for staff and students alike. Primary and EYFS are enjoying the themed daily morning assemblies particularly ‘Move It Mondays’ and ‘Wake up Wednesdays” which are fun exercise activities.

As parents are aware, our focus this year is to make every school day count, so it is important to for us to reward the students who choose to come to school every day and try their best. We have begun rewarding the class with the best attendance over the half term and individual students who achieve 100% attendance in a half term, with a movie and a treat. For children who attend school every day, it makes a difference to their academic’s outcomes and ultimately the rest of their lives.

Mrs Dawn Mitchell

Vice Principal – Head of Primary & EYFS