Diyafah International School supports the guidelines of the Abu Dhabi Education and Knowledge Council (ADEK) which states that every student has the right to be educated in a safe, supportive and orderly school environment free from disruption and obstacles that impede learning. In addition, every teacher has the right to teach in a school environment that is both respectful and welcoming.

During online lessons, students are expected and encouraged to support and contribute to a positive school environment. In doing so, they will receive age and gender appropriate rewards and recognition. For those students who wilfully disrespect school rules and engage in negative online behaviour, the school will use appropriate guidance and disciplinary actions to address the situation and prevent further misconduct.

While participating in online learning, it is expected that all students will:

  • Be punctual in attending classes and justify lateness and absences to the teacher

  • Greet their teacher and then mute their microphone when they enter the virtual classroom

  • Comply with all instructions and rules of the school

  • Behave responsibly and not endanger the safety and welfare of others and self

  • Participate to promote a positive school community

  • Promote a positive attitude towards learning and/or apply effort to their learning

  • Not engage in inappropriate discussions in class or in other online forums

  • Use Teams for their educational benefit and not as a social media tool to connect with their peers

  • Behave responsibly so as not to disrupt the learning environment of the classroom

  • Commit to the heritage and culture of the UAE in such a way that they behave honestly

  • Conduct themselves with dignity

Diyafah International School - Online Behaviour Management System

Reward System

For portraying exemplary behaviour and consistently contributing to create a positive learning environment. Students that embody positive behaviour may be recognised through positive correspondence with home, certificates of achievement or school trips (when applicable).

Disciplinary Actions

Online behaviour at DIS is categorized into three levels of student misconduct. Each level of behaviour has a different disciplinary approach for modifying and correcting student behaviour. At each level sufficient opportunity is provided for students to exit the disciplinary procedure by demonstrating good behaviour and attitude. The school has adopted ADEK’s guidance in determining the appropriate progression of discipline, by categorizing students’ misconduct into three levels, as follows:

Misconduct Level 1: Any behaviour that results in the disruption of the teaching and learning environment which may include:

  • Tardiness (Late to online lessons)
  • Unexplained absences from online lessons

  • Disruptive behaviour in online lessons

  • Using Teams to mock other students

  • Being Disrespectful towards staff

Level 1 Behaviour Intervention at Diyafah International School

  • Teacher provides verbal recognition and warning of misbehaviour to student through Teams Private Chat
  • Teacher emails Head of Pastoral and Form Tutor

Misconduct Level 2: Any behaviour that results in severe disruption to the teaching and learning environment or that may cause harm to others which may include:

  • Using abusive or inappropriate language towards peers and/or staff

  • Cheating in exams and assignments

  • Providing false documents

  • Misuse or abuse of IT platforms such as One Note, Teams etc.

Level 2 Behaviour Intervention at Diyafah International School

  • Teacher provides verbal recognition of misbehaviour through Teams.
  • Teacher emails parent and cc’s Head of Pastoral and Form Tutor
  • Repeated misbehaviour is moved to Head of Department to improve student’s attitude to learning
  • Non-compliance after that will be moved to senior management

Misconduct Level 3: Any behaviour that results in emotional distress of others or violates applicable laws in the UAE, which may include the following:

  • Possessing, viewing, or sharing of inappropriate material

  • Bullying students through Online formats such as Teams

  • Wilfully continuing to disrupt the learning environment of the virtual classroom

  • Exchanging inappropriate material through online formats (One Note, Teams, email etc)

Level 3 Behaviour Intervention at Diyafah International School

  • Teacher provides verbal recognition of misbehaviour.
  • Incident is emailed to Head of Pastoral, Head of Department and Form Tutor
  • Head of Pastoral emails parents to set up a meeting through Teams
  • Student is removed from all online lessons for 1 week.
  • Continued misbehaviour thereafter will result in complete removal from Teams. Any learning material will be provided to parent through Email.
  • Student will be placed on an online report which will be reviewed to assess if student can return to full online learning