
DIS understands that circumstances arise which may be causes of complaint. The occurrence of such circumstances can be minimised but not eradicated and a pathway must be in place to deal with them and to learn from them.

All parents have the right to raise concerns and complaints about their child’s school life and they will be treated with respect and courtesy during the process.

Parents can expect that any issues will be dealt with in a courteous, respectful and timely manner.  


To provide clear and transparent information to parents, the community and staff, about how parent concerns and complaints are managed at DIS.

To provide a pathway for a proactive, efficient resolution of legitimate grievances of stakeholders, principally parents.


Step 1:
The initial point of contact for any issue is the class teacher. Many difficulties may be resolved at this point by constructive communication between parent and teacher.  

Step 2:
If the concern is not addressed or the problem not resolved at Step 1, the parent or teacher may request a meeting with the Key Stage Leader or Head of Department.  Other relevant staff may be involved in discussion.  A report of the meeting will be kept.

Step 3:
If the problem is not resolved at Step 2, the complaint is dealt with by the Principal or Vice-Principal(s). In such circumstances, parents can contact the Principal at
Information should be submitted to the Principal who will appropriately deal with the issue.

Step 4:
If the problem is not resolved at Step 3, the complaint becomes a formal grievance. In such circumstances, parents can e-mail the Complaints Committee at
Documents relating to the incident and any other pertinent information should be submitted to the complaint committee who will convene a meeting at an appropriate time with the concerned staff and management.

Step 5:
A report, letter or ‘pathway ahead’ plan will be drawn up. The same will be shared with the parent through a mail. If agreed, parents will then be invited to sign the report/ ‘path way ahead’, with the Principal. The same will be reviewed at regular intervals. 

Complaints Committee


The complaints committee deal with, and strive to resolve, written grievances and complaints.


Permanent members:  Principal, The Child Protection Officer, SENCO, Social Worker.

Co-opted members:  Relevant Coordinator, Head of Year, Class Teacher, member of Parent Council.

Frequency of meeting: On the first working Monday of every month and as necessary should an immediate grievance arise.


Although DIS makes every effort to resolve grievances, some issues may take time and require co-operation between parent, student and teacher.