Diyafah International School is committed to giving all our pupils and staff every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards.The school considers staff from a varied experiences and needs. The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations from all children.The attitudes and well-being of the staff matters to the school. This policy is intended to help to ensure that this school promotes the individuality of all children and staff members, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, attainment, age, disability, gender, or background.At Diyafah International School, everyone, regardless of their age, is entitled to equal respect, and their interests shall be considered equally.


Diyafah International School is committed to equally treat the staff, students, parents, and visitors regardless of age, race, social and cultural background, linguistic background, gender, religious views and beliefs, marital status, pregnancy or maternity/paternity, and for all to have equality of opportunity.


  • To carry out recruitment of the staff fairly and to provide equal opportunities to all potential candidates.
  • To recognise and oppose all forms of prejudice and discrimination.
  • To enable individuals to develop and grow to their full potential.
  • To recognise that all individuals have both abilities and needs.
  • To promote an environment where all can share equally in the opportunities.
  • To remove both outward and hidden discrimination.
  • To avoid attaching negative language to any group.
  • To encourage mutual respect.
  • To celebrate differences between people of all races and cultures.
  • To provide positive role models for pupils of all backgrounds.
  • To develop each person’s skills to the highest possible level.


The staffing process is governed by the school’s policy of non-discrimination and is designed to achieve the best match between the individual’s knowledge and skills, experience and character and the requirements of the vacant post, recognising the need for flexibility to respond to changing conditions.The capability of the individual to perform in the position will be the major selection criterion but the ability both to work with others and to be trained, coupled with individual potential will be taken into account.All applicants will be dealt with courteously and as expeditiously as possible. Appointments will be confirmed on receipt of satisfactory references, Police Clearence checks (and, where applicable, a check of the prohibition order), evidence of medical fitness (including a satisfactory medical report) and satisfactory completion of a probationary period.


This Policy also covers the treatment of those employees and workers who work on a part-time basis. The school recognises that it is an essential part of this policy that part time employees are treated on the same terms, with no detriment, as full-time employees.


The school will not discriminate directly or indirectly, harass, or victimise any person on the grounds of their age. The school is committed to recruiting and retaining employees whose skills, experience, and attitude are suitable for the requirements of the various positions regardless of age. The school does not include any age criteria in job advertisements or job specifications.The school job application form does not request the age of any candidates as part of its recruitment process. Such information is not passed to the person or panel who shortlist or interview candidates.


The school fosters equal rights and opportunities to all staff members regardless of their gender. The school does not discriminate between the staff based on gender. Wherever and whenever possible men and women are taught and are rewarded in the same way without distinction. The school ensures that in the language it always uses there is due consideration for the issues of gender and bias.


The school fully understands the need to promote racial harmony and to plan opportunities for combating racism in our school. We believe that our School must be a safe place for everyone, and we are committed to the principles of tackling racial discrimination and promoting equality of opportunity with good race relations. The school tackles racial discrimination by monitoring the outcomes of opportunities at our School and by dealing with and reporting racist incidents.Allegations of harassment and discrimination based on ethnicity will be investigated as far as possible, using the school’s usual disciplinary procedures and racism will be directly challenged. Action will be taken to prevent the likelihood of recurrence. In the event of a member of staff being implicated, the usual disciplinary procedures will apply.


At Diyafah International School we give equal opportunities to all people irrespective of their disabilities.

A disability will not of itself justify the non-recruitment of an applicant for a position at the school. Such reasonable adjustments to the application procedures shall be made as are required to ensure that applicants are not disadvantaged because of their disability.

If the candidate faces any issues due to his/her disability at work then in such case they can address such issues to the Management, Principal, or the HR.

The school will make such adjustments to work arrangements or School premises as are reasonable to enable a disabled staff member to carry out his or her duties.


Diyafah International School is committed to take strict action against the offenders of this policy. Examples of behaviour which is unacceptable and a breach of this policy (where there is discrimination or harassment on the grounds of one of the Protected Characteristics) such as:

  • Physical assault.
  • Verbal or online abuse, insults, threats, or intimidation.
  • Making discriminatory comments.
  • Excluding or encouraging others to exclude a person or group.
  • Selection for training/promotion

There will be no victimisation or retaliation against staff who complain about discrimination. However, making a false allegation deliberately and in bad faith will be treated as misconduct and dealt with under our Disciplinary Procedure.


This policy was last reviewed on 1st October 2023. It will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis by the management.