Food and Nutrition in KS4

May 17, 2023

Food and Nutrition in KS4 is a challenging subject that allows students to show off their creativity in the kitchen. Year 11 students have just conducted their practical examination which is 50% of their overall GCSE grade. In this exam, students are each given an individual brief for which they must plan 5-6 dishes that are appropriate. For example, Hailey was asked to ‘Prepare, cook, and serve 5 dishes that would be suitable for a ten-year old’s birthday party. To fulfill this brief, she made quesadillas and guacamole, turkey sausage rolls, mac and cheese, jam and cream filled donuts and a decorated birthday cake. The three students that took part in this practical exam worked at lightning speed to show off their knife skills, time management and decorative skills to produce high quality, not to mention delicious, sweet and savoury dishes. Although timing was a huge area of concern for our students taking part, they have mastered the skill of ‘dovetailing’ which entails overlapping recipes in the kitchen to save on time. For example, whilst Omar’s mousse was setting in the fridge, he prepared the apples and topping for his crumble. Whilst Haya’s Bolognese sauce was simmering, she prepared the garlic bread and side salad to serve as an accompaniment. The students of Food and Nutrition will walk away from this subject with the ability to manipulate recipes to suit different dietary preferences and implement them in a safe, efficient, and hygienic way. The skills learned in this subject are lifelong skills that will only gain value as the students progress in life.

See images below of some of the dishes made…