Moral Education and Character Building/Life Skills

Jun 14, 2021

One purpose of moral education is to help make children virtuous—honest, responsible, and compassionate. Another is to make mature students informed and reflective about important and controversial moral issues. Both purposes are embedded in a yet larger project—making sense of life. The UAE Moral Education Program has been designed to develop young people of all nationalities and ages in the UAE with universal principles and values, that reflect the shared experiences of humanity.

Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenship, and responsibility for self and others.

We want nothing more than for our children to grow up into well-mannered individuals and give the proper respect to other people, which is why character education is an important part in their studies, because success in life does not always rely on academics.

With the increased use of social media and being exposed to thousands of negative influences through social media and their peers every day, also the increased focus on student safety on-line, it is important to give students skills in how to handle these pressures, to keep themselves safe and think carefully before reacting. Teaching Moral/Character Education helps students to face the many dangers and unknown dangers that exist in today’s society.

Successful schools take pro-active approaches to topics such as bullying prevention and character education and one of the most important aspects of building a safe school is building a positive school culture. This can be implemented in a school from the first day a child comes to school and is exposed to learning about life-skills, understanding, and developing the mind-set of caring, empathy, tolerance and appreciation of themselves, others, and the world around them.

Diyafah has a culture of promoting life-skills and has seen the benefits of doing so by the minimal instances of bullying, (all schools have bullying issues) however there is usually a reason for a child behaving in an unacceptable manner. With care, listening, understanding, and creating a realisation there is another way to behave through character education and life skill development, it can have a very positive effect for a child who may have bullying tendencies and create a significant change in both behaviour and academic performance.

To become upstanding members of any community it is important to know the proper and acceptable way to treat other people, and these are the things learnt through Moral Education, Character building and life skills.