My ambitions for the future - Career choice and why?

Jun 14, 2021

My name is Farah Ahmed, and I am currently in year 12G. I have been a student in Diyafah International School for 7 years now.
My ambition for the future is to study medicine and eventually establish a career in Child Psychiatry. The reason for my choice is because I aspire to change the perspective of mental health in the community. Mental health seems to be frowned upon and not yet fully accepted in some communities and countries. Not only do I want to change this mindset, but also want to aid children in these countries and communities, as I believe that children with mental health disorders and disabilities hold so much potential to accomplish marvelous things in their future. All they need is a helping hand to overcome the obstacles they face in life, and I hope to be that helping hand that opens doors to unleash their capabilities.

However, getting into medicine and becoming a doctor is not easy; I am very aware of the challenges and the many years of hard work and time I will have to invest to become the doctor I aspire to be. Nevertheless, this process is very vital to help people in need of medical attention. Fortunately, I have the support of my amazing teachers to help me reach the grades required in my A-level subjects. I have been working with the school career counsellor who is helping me build my CV and guiding me through the application process from sitting for the admission test, to practicing skills for my interviews, essentially everything I need to find the best university for me in the UK to take my first steps towards my goals.

I am very grateful for all the guidance I am receiving from my school that helps me achieve my dream.