New facilities and the reason DIS is different

Jun 14, 2021

In term 3 Mr Bart wrote a BLOG “What is a school?” As the new Principal, I would like to continue with this theme and try to articulate why I am so proud to be a part of this International School and leading it to deliver the British Curriculum.

Diyafah International Schools (DIS) opened in 2013 after the success of Al Diyafah High School, the founding school in Dubai. DIS has grown since its opening but there has always been an underlying drive by the Management to follow the schools’ motto and Let the Light Shine for the students, parents and staff. We are very fortunate to have had the opening in August 2020 of a new phase, which will allow the school to educate students in a range of subjects that is second to none.

The new


and subjects that are now available include Design and Food Technology. These are exciting opportunities as the students will be able to develop their vocational skills and creativity in one of the best equipped schools in Abu Dhabi. For many other schools in the AbuDhabi area there are limitations of space and as a result there has been limited Physical Education. This is not the case in DIS as we have a new multi-purpose indoor hall and outdoor area that now allows our students to exercise in a safe space, with sufficient distances to reduce the transmission of COVID. While we cannot use our new swimming pool at the moment we are looking forward to opening it to the students as soon as this pandemic is over.

A successful school however, in my experience is not just about the facilities but the staff and a certain je ne sais quoi

that makes the school become something special. This factor in my opinion in DIS is the staff and their interaction with the students. As a consequence if this collegial atmosphere I am confident that students will be able to access the best from these new facilities. In the recent ADEK review of distance learning, DIS was considered at the highest rating in all of the 13 areas that they measure. In addition we received 100% pass rate in this years GCSE’s as a result of the efforts and commitment of the staff.

As a graduate of science I know that I cannot articulate the best features of the school and I would encourage you to visit. We can arrange a virtual tour and we will show you what makes us different. When I first arrived in the UAE I was impressed with all the gadgets and material things. However, as I have continued to live here my opinions have changed and I want to be confident with what I am buying. In this way, I want you to be confident in the facilities the school has and that they will be used to get the best from your children.

So, although schooling may well be adapting and changing, schools as communities of learners is what DIS does best. Student comments from pervious feedback is worthy of mention as they remain convinced that nothing can replace that classroom dynamic.

With that in mind why don’t you come and talk to us. Is your current school as well equipped as DIS? Does your current school have as qualified a staff as DIS? Do the staff in your current school show the commitment and the care for your children that DIS does?

Hopefully, I and the staff will see you soon. Until then keep safe and “Let Your Light Shine”.