Parents and guardians should be at the heart of any child's education. While teachers are there at the front of the classroom, it is the family you come home to who provide an essential foundation for academic success.

That is why we believe that parental involvement in school is so important.

Research regularly demonstrates just how essential parent and caregiver engagement is to an excellent education. To make sure our students are given the very best platform to excel, we work hard to develop strong partnerships with the parents and guardians of our diverse student body.


Our primary mode of communication with our parents is via the Diyafah Parents Portal and the Diyafah School Diary.

We conduct workshops to support parents with their child’s learning which includes Parent Information Meeting , Newsletters, Consultations Evenings, termly reports. We also share the highlights of hands-on learning via our social media channels on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. (if there are no objections from parents)

Quick Links for Information Regarding School

Parent Council


We have a great parent council team, which helps and hosts many school events, like International Day, Ramadan Iftar, cultural activities and Book Reading Days.

The Parent Council are nominated prior to start of the new academic year and comprise of parent representatives from the Early Years, Primary and Secondary schools. They have meetings which are held regularly monthly.

PC’s main objective acts as a conduit for parent feedback on school issues, participation in school community event planning (e.g. international days) and participation in quality management practices (ADEK inspections).

If you are interested to join the parent council, please contact us:

Resources for Enhanced Learning

At Diyafah, we have carefully curated some of the most effective Programs available to help enhance student engagement and participation. We are a Microsoft Showcase school, with Minecraft Education License (Full version) for each of our students.

For the Phonics Program we use, Read Write Inc. Phonics that teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step.

In the Early Years Section, we use a program called Tapestry, which is an online journal to help record all the learning and fun of children's early years education. Parents have access to see the progess of their child

For the Primary and Secondary School some of the programs we use are listed below:

  1. Education City, a fun learning platform for English, Math and Science
  2. AleftBata: For Arabic, Alefbata helps children learn and enjoy Arabic in a interactive way.
  3. MyiMaths is a interactive resource for use in the classroom and at home that is easy to use alongside any other maths resources to consolidate learning.
  4. ClassDojo connects teachers with students and parents to build amazing classroom communities  :
  5. Teach ICT Computer Science learning for schools :