Student_Council_Student_Voice_Diyafah_International_SchoolThe Student Council at Diyafah encourages students to take an active leadership role in the school. The students’ voice is an important element of all decision-making and does have a concrete effect on school policy and direction.

Initiatives on Social Responsibility/UAE approved Charity Fundraising, school social events, student concerns, and suggested developments are all passed through the Student Council to the School Management.

The Head Boy and Head Girl of Secondary and Primary meet frequently with the Principal/Vice-Principal to ensure that staff are aware of all issues of interest or concern to students.

We take many things into account when choosing our Head Boy and Head Girl:

  • Thoughtfulness and care for others
  • Reliability
  • Trustworthy
  • Positive attitude to learning
  • Good organisational skills
  • Adaptability
  • Good attendance
  • Knowing the right thing to do and doing it.
  • Being resilient
  • Show respect for others and school property
  • Being responsible


Head Boy & Head Girl

The main purpose of the Head Boy and Head Girl is to support in promoting and representing the school.

  • Main Responsibilities & Tasks
    • Represent the school at certain events
    • Make speeches promoting the school
    • Show visitors around the school when required
    • Meet with School Council
  • Experience
    • Experience of being an excellent role model for others
    • Experience of talking to others confidently /or giving speeches
  • Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
    • Understands the Mission and Vision of the School
    • Exercises good judgement
    • Ability to communicate to large groups confidently
    • Ability to recognise and respond to others’ achievements
  • School Council Roles and Responsibilities
    • To express both their own views and those of other students.
    • To make suggestions for school improvement and innovative ideas
    • To attend regular meetings.
    • To give up some of their personal time.
    • To help make positive changes.

House Captains & Vice-Captains

The roles of House and Vice House Captain are ones of privilege, pride and responsibility. They are more than just a title and badge and require dedication and commitment for an entire year. Each Captain will be different and will contribute an assortment of skills and ideas to the role.

  • Main Responsibilities & Tasks
    • To be a positive role model and ambassador for the school.
    • To be enthusiastic and committed to the House System at Diyafah.
    • To be friendly and positive with all students, particularly within their House.
    • To be part of the team of House Captains who work together to achieve success for all.

All members of the School Leadership are excellent role models to all students at Diyafah International School.