Why is Reading so important during a child’s early years?

Feb 9, 2023

The Foundation Years is a crucial period of learning as children develop more rapidly during their first five years of their lives than at any other time. Nurturing certain skills during the foundation stage creates a solid foundation from which your child can build on for the rest of their life.

Communication and language is the first step and then literacy skills develop and we know that reading and writing are the fundamentals of early education. Literacy is a skill that is vital for everyone.

But why exactly is reading so important during a child’s early years?

Vital connections in the brain are made very early in life and form the basis for all future learning and intellectual ability. Reading to your children stimulates brain cells and each time it strengthens them, and they form connections with even more brain cells. Children become better listeners, readers and communicators when their young brains are stimulated through the earliest experiences. 

Children develop a love of learning when supported and this is why reading to children is so important. At an early age when they are exposed to different books and stories, they have a greater general knowledge, a wider range of vocabulary, improved attention spans and better concentration…they will develop into fluent readers.  Stronger oral and literacy skills help children to perform higher in school. When you read with your children early on and help them to learn at their own pace in a fun and relaxed environment, you can foster a love of reading and help them to become confident and competent when participating in shared reading experiences with other children.

The sooner a child learns to read, the more opportunities they have to encounter the written word and more exposure then leads to better spelling, grammar, writing and oral communication.


What types of books are important for early learners?

Picture books are good because they allow you to point out words and help a child begin to recognise letters and their associated sounds. Pictures also give clues to the story for young children who are just grappling with language learning, especially second language learners.  ‘The most read and best-selling book of all time for children is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ written and illustrated by Eric Carle which has been translated into over 62 languages since it was first published in 1969.

There are many psychological benefits for young children reading, as early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity and stimulates the imagination and often this leads to role-play as children grow.
Reading helps to grow self-confidence and independence.

Reading to and with children takes them away into a different place, a different world, a different culture, a different time through the pages of a  book.  It is a simple thing to do yet can activate the senses of a child and be a magical experience.