Embracing the United Arab Emirates

Diyafah International School takes pride in being an esteemed member of the Abu Dhabi community of schools. As an educational institution, we recognize a fundamental responsibility to equip our students for a rich, engaged and harmonious integration into the society that surrounds us - the most prestigious Emirate within the United Arab Emirates.
In alignment with this commitment, our school embraces the rich cultural tapestry of our host country. For both Emirati nationals and non-Emirati residents, Diyafah International School provides a unique opportunity to explore, appreciate, and learn about the values, culture, history, and traditions that make our community special.


Arabic Language

History of the United Arab Emirates

Heritage of the United Arab Emirates




Global Understanding







Mr. Paul Saich

We know that digital and AI technologies are rapidly transforming the world we live in. Children today – the citizens of tomorrow - will need to learn new skills continuously and learn to adapt and evolve continually in order to thrive.

Schools are uniquely placed to make a difference to the future by offering an education that prepares students to thrive in a complex, messy world. Climate change, pandemics, geopolitical tensions and globalisation are challenges that we are experiencing right now. At Diyafah International School, we are focused on preparing students to be critical thinkers, innovative, adaptable, knowledgeable and principled in order to deal with these, and with future challenges.

The world that our students are growing into will also be full of opportunities. Many of those opportunities are still not defined. Those who thrive in the future will have to add value beyond what can be done by automated systems and intelligent machines. Our students today are growing into an increasingly digital world. They are likely to have to continually adapt to new ways of working and new occupations. Our job is to prepare our students for whatever the future holds.

Diyafah International School offers an exceptional education, combining the best of British education with a 21st century agenda, delivered in world class facilities by a team of expert teachers. We make no apology for being ambitious for all our students. We believe that every single student at Diyafah International School has it in them to be remarkable.

At Diyafah International School, every moment of every day is designed to optimise learning. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to let your light shine.




Ms Keri Franks

As parents, we want our children in a school where the teachers truly care for their students. And we have found this at Diyafah International School! We are thankful for professional teachers who are working hard to help our children be outstanding, not just as students but as people. This is why, we as a family, trust Diyafah International School

Ms. Katrina

Our daughter absolutely loves the school! She's always eager to go. The diversity among students and staff makes it easy for her to understand different cultures. The teaching level of the FS team is top-notch. We've seen tremendous progress in her. Without a doubt, choosing Diyafah was one of the best decisions for her future!

ms Kholoud
Ms Kholoud

My experience with DIS teachers were always great from the first year we joined till now and I am sure it will stay the same. I want you to know that I am more than happy about what you are offering to my kids and that my kids are in the right place where I want them to be. 


Have questions related to the curriculum, age criteria, admissions procedure or our revised fee offer?

You can call our admissions team from 7:30 am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.


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